Popular Comedian’s Most “Chaotic” Wish For Idol Dating Resurfaces Amid All Scandals

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Amid all the dating news that broke the internet over the past few weeks, including the “scandalous” ones around actors Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee or Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Sae Ron

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…comedian Haha‘s comments from a 2021 YouTube show have resurfaced.

On channel Studio Lululala‘s “Flatterer Crusher” series, Haha wished for one of the most “chaotic” changes that could happen to the Korean entertainment business’s dating culture.

HahaComedian Haha | @quanhaha79/Instagram

When Park Myung Soo mentioned g.o.d Joon Park‘s past dating news, Joon Park corrected the comedian and said it was, in fact, a real relationship and not a “scandal.”

Park Myung Soo: Weren’t you involved in some kind of a scandal, too?

Joon Park: Yeah, it was… not a scandal because I was, in fact, seeing her.

Park Myung Soo: With [Name censored], right?

Joon Park: Right. And the funny thing is—

Park Myung Soo: Wait, is it OK for you to be saying her name out loud like that?!

Joon Park: Why not? It’s not like dating is a crime. I didn’t want to hide our relationship back then, either. Men and women dating is the most natural thing to happen.

Haha: Of course!

Haha then chimed in and said that he wished for K-Pop idols to be “free” in pursuing romantic relationships.

[Video could not be displayed]

You know what I want? I wish all the idols who are dating right now would talk to their managements. And all of them reveal their relationships, all at once. Like, the press would not know how to pick what to cover. And I know there are tons of couples out there. So the management companies would pick a date and time, and then, boom! Every single relationship would go public. Once a couple breaks up, the companies would wait until about 50 breakups are lined up to be revealed. And then all of the breakups would go public all at once, too.

That way, idols would be freed.

—  Haha

With the video resurfaced, online communities, like theqoo, began discussing “Haha’s dream.” To their own surprise, K-Pop fans believed Haha might be on to something—commenting that, in his universe at least, getting canceled and/or getting canceled for dating would not happen:

| theqoo
  • “I think about this whenever there’s dating news. It’s hilarious.”
  • “That would be f*cking entertaining, LOL.”
  • “Haha.”
  • “I’d be down for that. After all the dating scandals back to back the past week… The latest one doesn’t even bother me now. You grow used to it.”
| theqoo
  • “Would the theqoo server be able to handle the traffic, though? LOL.”
  • “TBH, that would push the fans to care more about how well-known their biases are—so that their biases are talked about more vs. others, and whatnot. So, in the end, who’s dating who wouldn’t even faze them.”
  • “Yeah. It’s unfair how some couples are exposed while others aren’t. It’d be fair to have all of the couples go public at once. Haha.”
  • “I mean, at first, I thought this is the stupidest f*cking idea. But now, it’s starting to make more sense? LOL.”
| theqoo  
  • “That might be better for all. People need to date and get married and have lives.”
  • “Just let them date, please.”
  • “I’m f*cking all in for this, LMAO.”
  • “The downfall of K-Pop, IMO… Like, it’ll cause all the delulus to REALLY lose their sh*t, and the fandoms will implode.”
  • [Deleted]
  • “I think it’s hilarious because we all know this will never happen. Haha.”

Watch the full clip below.


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