The Extra House Rule For aespa’s Dorm That Winter Created

Previously, the members of aespa shared the house rules they all follow, and netizens marveled over how the rules served to make them a close-knit group!
Winter revealed that even though their initial rules served to break the ice among them and bring them closer, after spending their first year living together, they added on an additional rule for convenience’s sake!
aespa shot a pictorial with Harper’s Bazaar Korea, and also sat down for an interview with their Youtube channel!
One of the questions the members were asked was about their house rules!
Any new rules in the dormitory?
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Winter revealed that there was, in fact, a new rule that they all follow! Previously, if they had to go somewhere together, they would all try to leave the house together. But now, whoever gets ready first, ends up leaving before the other members do!
In the past, we used to leave the house together. But now, whoever’s ready, just leaves! We don’t wait! I’m exhausted!
— Winter
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Winter is definintely one who prefers efficiency! We love their tight-knit friendship!
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You can watch Winter talk about this here!