The Unexpected Challenge “Physical: 100” Contestants Faced While Filming

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In Netflix‘s Korean reality series Physical: 100, contestants compete against each other to try and showcase their immense strength and endurance.

rsz_11stpct20week_stills3Scene from Physical: 100 Season 1 | Netflix

One hundred contestants in top physical shape compete in a series of grueling challenges to claim the honor — and cash reward — as the last one standing.

— Netflix’s description of Physical: 100

Viewers around the world have fallen with the show, some because of the brutal competition…

…and others because of the contestants’ gladiatorial physiques.

Following the release of Season 1’s first two episodes, three contestants sat down with Netflix Korea‘s YouTube channel to give viewers behind-the-scenes information. Fitness YouTuber Shim Eu Ddeum, famous dancer and Single’s Inferno contestant Cha Hyun Seung, and bodybuilder Ma Sun Ho admitted they were nervous about watching the show.

Your browser does not support video.(Left to right) Shim Eu Ddeum, Cha Hyun Seung, and Ma Sun Ho | Netflix Korea/YouTube 

While watching Physical: 100, these Season 1 stars talked about everything from how the show’s plaster sculptures of their bodies aren’t as good as their actual physiques…

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube   Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

…to who some of the most unexpected contestants were.

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

They also talked about the one difficulty they didn’t expect to have while filming the show: waiting. Although recovery time is essential when pushing your body to the extreme, between the first contest and the death matches, there was a lot of waiting time, as there were fifty matches to get through.

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

Even though they didn’t have to physically exert themselves while waiting, the contestants actually became “exhausted” from the length of time it took to get to their matches.

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

Ma Sun Ho explained that some energetic people, like Shim Eu Ddeum, spent that time “walking around.”

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

Some of the “big and muscular people,” on the other hand, wanted to rest whenever possible.

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

To effectively use the waiting time and preserve their energy, Shim Eu Ddeum held a group “stretching lesson.”

Your browser does not support video.| Netflix Korea/YouTube  

Of course, thanks to Netflix’s dynamic editing, there are no breaks for viewers who see every intense match unfold one after the next.

Read about Physical: 100 Season 2 here:

The First “Physical: 100” Idol Contestant Promotes His Group And The K-Pop Industry Until The Very End


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