Shocking CCTV Footage From DIA Somyi’s Sexual Assault Accusations Made Public

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Seoul Central District Court has unveiled crucial CCTV footage related to the case of Somyi, former member of DIA, and her sexual assault accusations made against the CEO of her broadcasting agency. The court has sentenced Somyi to one year and six months in prison after her accusations were proven false.

dia somyi 1| MBK Entertainment

The case has been under the spotlight since Ahn accused the CEO (identified only as B) of sexually assaulting her. B’s company manages several broadcast jockeys, including Ahn, who shifted her career focus to become an adult BJ on Panda TV in 2022 after her stint with DIA.

dia somyi| @somsom_o0o/Instagram

The court’s decision was significantly influenced by the inconsistencies found between Ahn’s testimonies and the evidence presented, including the CCTV footage and messenger conversations. Judge Park highlighted that the reliability of the victim’s statements, in contrast to Ahn’s, remained consistent throughout the investigation and court proceedings.

dia somyi 2

At first, CCTV footage of Somyi leaving the CEO’s office in a calm demeanor was revealed — which was a stark contrast to her allegations. In her complaint, Somyi claimed that she had pushed CEO B and ran out of the office after the incident.

munhwa ilbo somyiSomyi leaving the CEO’s office. | Munhwa Ilbo

More CCTV footage was released from JTBC on the 22, which showed moments shockingly contrary to Ahn’s initial claims of fleeing to escape an assault, according to the court. Instead, it depicted the former idol calmly sitting down on a couch and engaging in casual activities such as applying lip gloss, smoking an electronic cigarette, and appearing quite relaxed.

[Video could not be displayed]| wikitree

During the trial it was also alleged by the defendant’s lawyers that Somyi had expressed intentions to demand a substantial settlement amount from CEO B, complicating her credibility.

In the end, the court found Somyi’s claims inconsistent with the surveillance footage and sentenced her to prison for making false accusations.


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