BTS’s RM Opens Up About Fighting Depression And What Gets Him Through Each Day

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BTS‘s RM held a live broadcast for his 27th birthday. During it, he got vulnerable with ARMY and revealed how he was really doing right now.


Most people, especially celebrities, simply answer that they are doing fine or good when their fans ask, “How are you?” Yet, RM spoke honestly as he opened up, sharing his personal feelings about fighting depression.

I was saying that every day’s a fight, basically. You know, not to lose in front of the depression and getting exhausted, giving up…

— RM

Your browser does not support video.| BTS/VLIVE via @koosteefies/Twitter

He described how his routine has become monotonous these days as he has been doing the same thing now for nearly two years. Still, he attempts to do things for both his mental and physical health.

So every day I wake up, clean my room, watering plants, exercise… You know, it’s been like two years, and every day’s a fight.

— RM

Your browser does not support video.| BTS/VLIVE via @koosteefies/Twitter

Despite everything, he continues to persevere through all of the struggles with ARMY as a motivation. He recognizes all of the love he gets, and he hopes to return it.

I have to pay back for all of the love that I am getting right now… like you guys saying, telling me ‘happy birthday,’ every time even more than myself.

— RM

Your browser does not support video.| BTS/VLIVE via @koosteefies/Twitter

RM has been doing all he knows to do to get through these difficult and uncertain times since COVID-19. Still, some days feel worse than others, and his words resonate with a lot of us right now.

So yeah, every day I think is a war to me, and I really hate that, but that’s the only thing I can do right now, and yeah, it’s just living, just life.

— RM

Your browser does not support video.| BTS/VLIVE via @koosteefies/Twitter

While many of us miss seeing BTS, especially in person, the feeling is certainly mutual. Like most of us, he is still holding out hope to one day be with ARMY again.

And I could feel how much you guys miss you, and we feel the same, so after this sick and tiring war passes by… After that, we’ll be getting back to the track of where we were. That’s my hope. That’s all I got right now, I think, so I just do what I can do still for 2 years

— RM

Your browser does not support video.| BTS/VLIVE via @koosteefies/Twitter

He concluded by saying that he was “Not bad and not good at the same time. Just alive.” This is a feeling all of us can relate to.

We must continue to take care of ourselves even when we don’t feel like it. As BTS always emphasizes, love yourself.

Watch a clip from RM’s live broadcast below:


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