BLACKPINK’s Lisa Doesn’t Realize Just How Fast Her Impressive Choreography Memorization Skills Are

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Despite how talented and successful BLACKPINK‘s Lisa is, she still remains humble—so humble that she doesn’t even realize how impressive her speedy choreography memorization stills are. Lisa revealed just how fast she learns routines in a new interview with Billboard.

Everyone knows BLACKPINK’s Lisa is an incredible dancer, and there’s no doubt she has natural talent backing her all the way. That said, she definitely put in a lot of work to get to where she is today. In fact, Lisa once revealed in an interview for Penshoppe that her mother took her to her first dance class when she was four.

lisateacher_2BLACKPINK’s Lisa as a child

By late childhood, Lisa was part of a youth dance crew participating in competitions and winning awards. Then, when she joined YG Entertainment at the age of 13, she had to learn the ropes of K-Pop choreography YG-style from the ground up. That said, while becoming one of the industry’s most beloved main dancers may be the result of years of hard work, these days, dancing comes impressively easily to Lisa.

lisadance_1BLACKPINK’s Lisa now | BLACKPINK/YouTube

In fact, Lisa is able to remember even complex choreographies in record time—but she has no idea how amazing her skills are. In fact, when Billboard brought up just how intricate many BLACKPINK dance routines are, Lisa responded with surprise: “Really?

lisadance_2| BLACKPINK/YouTube

Billboard wanted to know just what the process of learning a star choreo like “How You Like That” is like, and Lisa was happy to explain how things go down. First up, it’s time to watch and learn. “Before I take the lesson,” says Lisa, “I have to watch the [demo] video several times.” This part of the process takes around one hour according to Lisa, and her focus is memorizing the visuals and the story behind the movements.

lisadance_4| BLACKPINK/YouTube

Once that’s done, it’s time to learn the choreography from an actual dance teacher. Lisa explained that while she does have some muscle memory, she has to really focus on connecting the way she moves her body to the overall concept and thread of the routine.

lisadance_6| BLACKPINK/YouTube

I have to get into the mindset ‘Okay, this movement has to connect with this movement so it becomes a story.’

— Lisa

Like Billboards reporter, you may be thinking the overall process of watching the choreography then learning it in a class must take Lisa days or weeks. However, Lisa revealed she learns in a shockingly shorter period than that: “Just like two or three hours.”

lisadance_7| BLACKPINK/YouTube

The first day I learn, I’m just like [mind-blown gesture]. So, I have to rest and sleep for the night, and after that, I remember everything and have memorized everything.

— Lisa

There’s no doubt that dance just comes naturally to a born star like Lisa, and she seems to be in agreement. “I feel like dancing doesn’t require much thinking from me,” she revealed when asked what kind of outlet performing provides for her. Lisa went on to say her body just moves on its own with no stress about what’s coming next—”And that’s just me,” she explained.

lisadance_5| BLACKPINK/YouTube

Dancing is what I communicate through, instead of words. And I feel like dancing is my best friend [laughs].

— Lisa


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