BTS To Meet With President Moon To Receive The Certificate For Special Presidential Envoy For Future Generations And Culture

컨텐츠 정보


President Moon Jae In will meet with world famous K-Pop idol group BTS at the Blue House on September 14. This will be the first time in over a year that he will meet with BTS since the 1st Youth Day ceremony last year.

According to the Blue House, President Moon has given the Future Culture Special Envoy appointment letter to BTS on September 11. Earlier in July, President Moon announced that BTS was designated as the Special Presidential Envoy For Future Generations and Culture to lead the global agenda for future generations, such as sustainable growth, and the expand diplomatic power int int with Korea’s elevated status in the International community. 

As the special envoy, BTS will attend major International conferences such as the 76th UN General Assembly to be held in New York on September 21 to deliver messages of comfort and hope to young people around the world. In addition, they also plan to promote various activities including international cooperation to solve global issues such as environment, poverty, inequality improvement, and respect for diversity.

In an interview with the press, BTS stated, “We have grown up together with the current youth generation. We have directly and indirectly witnessed and experienced the impact of society, such as global problems and a great economic crisis. We will participate, whether it is a general meeting or if there is something we can do and we have the strength to do it.”


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