BTS’s Suga Meant “Telepathy” To Be A Short Song… But Here’s One Of The Reasons Why He Made It Longer

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Originally, BTS‘s song “Telepathy” was supposed to be a short song, but Suga made the song quite a bit longer, and one of the reasons why is heartwarming!

1BTS’s Suga

In BTS’s “BE-hind Story” interview, Suga was asked about their song “Telepathy” and how it got modified a lot. This song was co-written by Suga, RM, and Jungkook.

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Suga shared that he originally wanted the song to be shorter than 3 minutes. After Suga finished recording the song, Jungkook came up to him and told him that adding some humming to the song would be nice.

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Suga didn’t hesitate and told Jungkook that he could include humming if he wanted.

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The humming, as well as several other things, caused “Telepathy” to be around 4 minutes long! However, Suga liked everything about the song, and he didn’t shorten it.

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Here’s Suga’s interview and BTS’s song “Telepathy” below!


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