4 Times BTS’s Kindness Ended Up Hilariously Backfiring

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The BTS members are known for their kind personalities, but sometimes, their kindness hilariously backfires. Here are 4 of these moments.

1. Jin’s chocolate accident

jinBTS’s Jin

For Valentine’s Day, Jin decided to be a sweetheart and make some chocolate for his mother. Jin started by melting a bunch of chocolates.

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Jin, however, was in for a surprise as all the chocolates ended up burning! Jin’s mother was not happy when she saw this, and according to Jin, she was “really angry!”

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2. V’s plan to help J-Hope backfiring

vh1BTS’s J-Hope (Left) & V (Right)

In episode 132 of Run BTS!, the members debated several topics. For each debate, there were forbidden words and actions, and if they were said or done, then everyone would get drenched with water. For one round, the forbidden action was touching their hair.

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J-Hope’s hair was quite messy due to it getting drenched with water so much, so V tried to “cheat” the rules by fixing J-Hope’s hair for him.

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The staff, however, didn’t allow this “loophole” to stay open!

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3. Suga falling asleep on Jin

jin sugaBTS’s Jin (Left) & Suga (Right)

In the 2015 BTS FESTA, Jin, who was roommates with Suga, shared that he and Suga put their beds next to each other so that they could watch movies together.

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One day, Suga asked Jin if he wanted to watch a movie together. Jin was quite tired that day, but he decided to watch the movie with Suga.

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Jin was trying hard to stay awake while watching the movie, and he suddenly heard some snoring. Jin looked over and saw that Suga had fallen asleep!

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4. Jimin being playful when Jungkook was trying to clean up

jk jmBTS’s Jungkook (Left) & Jimin (Right)

In episode 129 of Run BTS!, Jungkook and Jimin were practicing their tennis skills indoors.

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After training, it was time to start picking up the tennis balls. Jungkook and Jimin decided to help the staff with picking up the tennis balls.

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Jimin, however, decided to be a little playful. While Jungkook was stacking some tennis balls on his racket, Jimin threw some of the tennis balls that were on his side to Jungkook’s side so that Jungkook would have to pick them up.

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Jungkook had a hilarious response, as he said, “How dare you.” After this playful act, the two continued with their task of picking up the tennis balls.

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