“The School Nurse Files” Actress Song Hee Joon Apologizes For Neglect After Netizens Track Down Her Missing Rescue Dog

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Actress Song Hee Joon is under fire for suspicion of having abandoned her adopted dog Monet.

monet| Adoption agency Instagram

The adoption agency posted a message on Instagram revealing that Monet was returned to them.

song| Adoption agency Instagram

Monet, who was adopted last year, has been returned to us. Of course Monet is not at fault. He was returned this morning with his fur tangled to the point of skin damage. The groomer even stated that the fur on his head and ears were so tangled that he could have necrosis. His weight also dropped about 100 grams after being groomed. We hope to stabilize Monet by putting him back with his foster family who took care of him before he was adopted. We are thankful to the foster family for taking him in again without hesitation. Monet, who is still growing, still needs to gain more weight. We will update you all soon.

Netizens that saw this post began to speculate that it was Song Hee Jun’s dog, whose name was also Monet. Song, who adopted Monet nine months ago, also created a separate Instagram account for Monet using hashtags #사지말고입양하세요 (don’t buy, adopt).

After the controversy started to gain more heat, Song switched her Instagram to private in order to organize her position and statement. She then switched in back to public and posted her statement regarding the situation.

Hello this is Song Hee Joon. I apologize for causing concern to many people. About two months ago, a young Jindo dog moved in next door, which shares a wall and yard with mine. Every time Monet sensed the dog’s presence, he wouldn’t be able to sleep and would bark all night. As more time went on, he started to not eat and threw up the food that he did eat. The vet said it was due to stress, so I decided that moving was the best option. While searching for a new house, I left Monet at my parents’ house where he was reported to be eating and sleeping well.

— Song Hee Joon

song2| @monet_hj/Instagram

My father, who is battling cancer, started to get worse. Because he had to go to the hospital more often, a friend who lives in the same apartment as my parents helped take care of Monet. That friend asked if they could adopt Monet, and depending on my father’s health, I was also considering moving back in with my parents, so I let the adoption agency about the situation. Although I told them about my situation, they said that it was not possible and took him back. Because of my immature decisions, I was not able to take full responsibility of Monet. I am sorry to Monet and the adoption agency.

— Song Hee Joon

Song made her debut as an actress in 2018 with the short film Hysteria. She is also recently known for her role in the Netflix Series The School Nurse Files.

Netizens could not hide their disappointment regarding the news.

  • “If you try to find different solutions and love to your pet, there is a way to live happily with them. It’s when your love and affection for them fades that you begin to make excuses and ultimately send them back.”
  • “Why are you making weird excuses, just apologize for your actions.”
  • “If this is how heated it gets for a lesser known actress, imagine what would happen if it were a famous actress.”
  • “What’s with all these excuses…it’s one thing to send them back, but to have their skin so bad to the point of necrosis? That is really unacceptable.”


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