Government Employee Indicted For Cross-Dressing To Sexually Harass Women Gets Reinstated

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The general public of Seoul is unimpressed with the government’s decision to let a man come back to his job after he was caught entering a women’s changing room disguised as a woman.

The incident occurred in February 2023, when a man in his 40s, identified as “A,” was accused of cross-dressing and entering a women’s changing room at a swimming pool in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul. When the police investigation started, he was dismissed from his job at the district government office at Jung-gu, Seoul. The investigation was based on accusations that “A” entered the women’s locker room in disguise to observe naked women without consent.

download - 2024-02-15T192820.770“A” caught walking into the establishment dressed as a woman | TV Chosun

The man admitted to his crime immediately. However, his indictment was suspended in November 2023 by the prosecution under the condition that he complete a program on sexual violence treatment. The prosecution’s decision was also influenced by the fact that it was Mr. A’s first offense, he had a history of psychiatric treatment, he had reached an agreement with the victims, and he showed remorse for his actions.

The Jung-gu district office also put together a disciplinary committee to look over the case, which imposed a one-month salary cut on “A.” This was a minor disciplinary action, being less severe than demotion, suspension, or removal. According to the Disciplinary Rules for Local Government Employees, minor measures are taken in sex crimes if the misconduct is not significantly severe or was caused by slight negligence.

[Video could not be displayed]The CCTV footage showing “A” cross-dressed as a woman

Following the salary cut, the Jung-gu office reinstated the employee in January 2024. However, he was reassigned to a role that didn’t require public interaction. An official from the district office mentioned that he was given a role where he would have no contact with local residents or other employees. This decision was deemed necessary by the office after the prosecution suspended Mr. A’s indictment.

download - 2024-02-15T195214.090Jung-gu District Office | Google Images

After local media outlets reported on “A” being allowed to return to work, netizens expressed their dissent with both the prosecution and the Jung-gu office’s decisions.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 193519| dmitory
  • “If he went as far as cross-dressing, it’s quite serious.”
  • “F*cking disgusting… His female coworkers must feel uncomfortable.”
  • “Are they crazy?”
  • “Have they lost it?”
  • [Comment deleted]
  • “How many criminals have been let off the hook like this?”
  • “A first-time offender used cross-dressing and peeked?? You call that a first-time offense and allow him to go back to work?”


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