Netizens Awed By Candid, Close-Up Photo Of BLACKPINK Jennie’s Natural Skin Texture

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These days, photos of not just K-Pop celebrities, or even celebrities in general, but pictures taken by everyday people are so commonly edited that it’s hard to tell what is real and what isn’t anymore. When it comes to K-Pop idols, everything from their hair to their skin to any other part of their body or otherwise can easily be filtered and edited, which can lead to extremely unrealistic and damaging beauty standards.

aespa-karinaHeavily edited photo of Karina (aespa) vs less edited

That’s why it’s so refreshing when an idol posts a rare photo of their actual appearance without the usual editing. Skin texture, in particular, is something that is blurred into glass-like smoothness until idols seem to be completely flawless to the point of ridiculousness.

Idols such as the members of BLACKPINK are known for their beauty and otherwordly visuals, and that’s why seeing the skin texture of one of them can be so impactful for fans!

FX1VT7pUsAEGfcqJennie (BLACKPINK) | YG Entertainment

Recently, a picture of Jennie circulated online that shows a non-edited, close-up glimpse of her actual appearance. Though she looks as gorgeous as ever, it also shows that she does have pores and slight texture to her skin, just like everyone else!

It’s evident that she does have incredible skin to begin with, too, and the makeup she’s wearing such as foundation and concealer probably isn’t really necessary for her to look so great.

image| Instiz

Not to mention, she’s making an adorable expression in the picture too, which only makes her even cuter!

Here’s how netizens are reacting to this impressive look at Jennie’s natural, healthy skin up close.







We’d love to see more K-Pop idols share realistic pictures like this!


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