Fans Gather Evidence To Allege That Dancer NOZE And SHINee’s Taemin Are Dating

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A Chinese netizen recently alleged that dancer NOZE and SHINee‘s Taemin are dating. The netizen gathered alleged evidence to prove their claim, translating it into broken Korean to spread it to Korean fans.

Firstly, they claimed that in a photo NOZE sent of her in her pajamas, the background was familiar to the wallpaper in Taemin’s home. NOZE herself claimed that those were her pajamas as well through Dear U. Bubble.

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They also often posted on social media at similar timings. Fans were suspicious as Taemin was not one to use social media often, but seemed to post whenever NOZE did. They claimed he was reminded of his fans when he was with her. The following stories were posted two minutes within each other.

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They noted that a picture of the sunset posted by NOZE was similar to the view from Taemin’s house. They especially noted the curves of the mountain range, and the leaves of the tree in the corner.

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Netizens claimed that the leaves were similar to the plant Taemin kept by his window. The curvature of the mountain range was also the same as in a photo posted by Taemin himself.

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The fan also noted that the two wore the same winter balaclava hood.

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Taemin also used a black heart in his Bubble username. He also used it in his Instagram caption. The heart is also consistently used by NOZE on her Instagram.

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Fans also spotted them at a game, sitting a row apart. NOZE sat in the row behind Taemin.

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The fan also claimed that Taemin was spotted smiling after NOZE passed by him on stage.

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NOZE has worked with Taemin as his backup dancer. She performed “Guilty” with him, and has also been known to participate in various SM Entertainment artists’ performances. SM Entertainment has yet to speak up on the claims.


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