BTS’s Jungkook Has The Most Savage Yet Adorable Reaction When People Tell Him To Follow Instagram’s “Rules”

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BTS‘s Jungkook may be new to Instagram, but he’s quickly catching on to the vibe of the social media platform!

hello jkBTS’s Jungkook | @BTS_twt/Twitter

Jungkook has had quite an eventful first day on Instagram. He uploaded three posts, changed his bio, changed his profile picture, and posted to his Instagram story.

jk on insta ohmygosh| @abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz/Instagram

One of his three posts was his updated MBTI results.

jk insta post again

Jungkook left the post about his new personality type up for a while, but fans who returned to his page later realized that he deleted it. After he deleted the post, Jungkook uploaded his updated MBTI results to his Instagram story.

His results revealed that he was categorized as an ISFP-T, also known as the Adventurer. Now, he’s an INTP-T, also known as the Logician. Under his MBTI results, Jungkook revealed his reasons for deleting his original post and uploading his results as an Instagram story instead.


He wrote, “People told me you’re not supposed to upload these kinds of posts. What is the vibe of Instagram then?” Based on what he captioned his Instagram story, it sounds like people told Jungkook that his Instagram feed should only include photos and videos as opposed to screenshots of things like personality test results.

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Jungkook’s Instagram story caption shows that he’s trying to learn exactly what he’s supposed to post on Instagram, but it also hints that he’s questioning the status quo of the social network. After all, if it’s his page, shouldn’t he be allowed to post what he wants? ARMY certainly believes so!

We’re looking forward to Jungkook’s next post, whether it’s “Instagram worthy” aesthetic posts or personality test results. We hope he’s having fun exploring Instagram!



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