“97-Liners” Show Support For ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo During His Drama Filming

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One of the most famous idol friendship groups is, without a doubt, the 97-liners.

Beginning with just GOT7‘s Yugyeom and BTS‘s Jungkook, the group has expanded to include many idols like GOT7’s BamBamASTRO‘s Cha EunwooSEVENTEEN‘s The8DK, and Mingyu, and NCT‘s Jaehyun.

friendsss(left to right) ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo, BTS’s Jungkook, SEVENTEEN’s Mingyu, and GOT7’s Yugyeom.  | @BTS_twt/Twitter

Recently, several of the 97-liner friends showed their support for Eunwoo during his drama filming!

As of late, Eunwoo has been busy with his acting career, currently starring in A Good Day To Be A Dog and gaining attention for “special moments” during the series.

ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Praised For Make Out Scene In New “A Good Day To Be A Dog” Episode

Fans were excited to learn that Eunwoo had already been cast for his next role before AGDTBAD began airing. Alongside actress Kim Nam Joo, Eunwoo will star in Wonderful World, a revenge plot-style series set to air in the first half of next year.

Filming began in mid-August, with fans taking in all the sneak peeks they could find.

Often, when stars are on set, fans, their management, or friends will send food and drink trucks to support their hard work. Eunwoo has received many truck supports while filming, including several from other 97-liners!

First was Yugyeom, who sent a coffee truck with the message, “Please take care of my boy friend, Eunwoo! Please take care of our Eunwoo!”

eunwoo yugyeom| @eunwoo.o_c/Instagram

Next, Eunwoo shared that Mingyu had also sent him a coffee truck, giving a look at a cute photo of the pair displayed on one of its panels.

IMG_0668| Naver

On December 8, updated his Instagram story with more support trucks, including one from BTS’s Jungkook, thanking him in the short video.

It is not a huge surprise that Eunwoo’s 97-line besties showed their support in this way — in 2019, while he was filming Rookie HistorianGooHaeryung Jungkook and Yugyeom also sent drink trucks.

Fans have loved the support the 97-liners have shown Eunwoo!


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