Actress Han So Hee Continues To Clarify Nose Job Rumors

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Actress Han So Hee previously announced that she had undergone nose surgery for a deviated septum. She had been experiencing allergic rhinitis and difficulty breathing due to a crooked nose. As her nose continued to look higher than usual in recent photos, Han So Hee clarified the surgery allegations once more.

Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 8.31.46 PMHan So Hee at her most recent schedule. | @xeesoxee/Instagram

She spoke to fans via a chat application on December 8, 2023. She explained that there was no silicon or prosthetics in her nose at all.

xIxqGcHan So Hee speaking to fans. | theqoo
  • My nose was originally pretty high, but as it got crooked, the tip began to sag.
  • They just restored it to its original form, everyone.
  • But you know something about rhinitis surgery? It’ll come back.
  • So that means that I’ll definitely become Squidward again.
  • Well, that’s what they say.
  • But I’m so thankful to be able to breathe through both nostrils…
ggjHBdHan So Hee speaking to fans. | theqoo
  • And I’m worried because the swelling isn’t going down.
  • Everyone, I really didn’t. I didn’t raise my nose with silicone or whatever.
  • I only could breathe through one side of my nose and I snored and whatever because my nose was crooked.
  • My nose got higher again because they straightened it out.
  • I didn’t have Squidward’s nose originally.

Nose jobs take a month or more to fully heal, but it seems like Han So Hee’s is taking a little longer to deswell.


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