Here’s Photographic Evidence That Only Hot People Stan BTS’s Jimin As Super Models Turn Into Super Fans

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BTS has recently been performing their PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE shows in LA. With four nights in the city, the group has showcased their dominance selling out all of the nights. They have also put on amazing shows to ARMYs from across the world.

unnamed (2)Members of BTS on day 2 of “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE” | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

Alongside ARMYs, there has also been an abundance of celebrities and well-known people at the concerts. In particular, netizens noticed that there seemed to be a few models in attendance, and they all seemed to be there for one member, and that is Jimin!

jiminBTS’s Jimin | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

One of the first models that fans noticed attended the concert was Brazilian model Gizele Oliveira, who is best known for walking in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

259223442_1363358447467602_2128914583712350011_nModel Gizele Oliveira | @GiizeleOliveria/ Instagram

On November 29, Gizele posted videos and images of herself on social media at the concert. In particular, one had the caption, “BTS concert got me losing my voice. #btsconcert #btsarmy.

The clip showed the model screaming “Marry me Jimin!” at the top of her lungs whenever Jimin appeared on the screen and pointed out that it was the reason she had lost her voice.

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She later posted another video from before she left for the concert. On top of the clip, she wrote, “Getting ready to meet my husband JIMIN, and ask him to marry me.” In the caption, she added, “JIMIN stan for life.” with a crying emoji face on it.

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Yet, Gizele wasn’t the only model who attended the PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE concert with hopes of seeing her bias Jimin. Social media influencer, makeup artist, and model Amanda Diaz shared that she was also going to the concert in LA.

amandaAmanda Diaz | @amandadiaz/ Instagram

As an ARMY since 2017, she shared on her TikTok that her boyfriend had surprised her with BTS tickets.

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Of course, whenever ARMYs find another fan, they want to know who their bias is. In the comments, one asked Amanda, and she replied that it was Jimin!


With his flawless visuals, angelic voice, and impeccable dancing skills, it is no surprise that people are falling for Jimin left, right, and center. Also, considering he is one of the sweetest people in the world, they definitely picked the right person to stan!

84388276| @bts_bighit/ Twitter

c6b062a939a8446d42907bebd562874e| BigHit Entertainment

With two more nights left in LA, who knows which celebrities will be next to attend and share their love for the group. You can read more about celebrities attending the concert below.

Lizzo Lived Her Best Life During BTS’s “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE,” But Here’s Why ARMYs Are Praising Her Attitude


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