20 Of BTS’s Wildest Moments At The “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE” Concerts In L.A.

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On November 27th and 28th, BTS held their first two PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE – LIVE PLAY concerts at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, California. For hours, BTS entertained fans with their jaw-dropping performances and hilarious antics. Here are 20 of their wildest moments!

FFV_V7UagAEZpjHBTS | @bts_bighit/Twitter

1. Make some what kind of noise, RM?

2. Jin cosplaying as Young Hee…

…aka the murder doll from Squid Game.

3. V’s adorable cursing

4. RM’s got his priorities straight.

5. BTS’s stylists: “Shirtless? Say no more.”

6. J-Hope getting his flirt on with Megan Thee Stallion

7. Jimin seeing himself in the audience

8. The real OTP: Jin x Smoke Machine

9. Just Suga things

10. V’s reaction to kicking a ball at fans

11. Clowning Jimin like it’s 2016

12. RM’s full-body wiggle

13. Jin losing his mind over this fanboy

14. Jungkook trying to sing into his water bottle…again!

15. V casually giving J-Hope an English lesson

16. J-Hope making ARMYs go feral by going feral himself…

17. Suga spitting these undeniable facts:

18. Jimin retrieving a wandering Jungkook

19. This life-changing experience

20. V and RM’s “Dynamite” improv


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