Netizens Astounded Over IVE Wonyoung’s Concerningly Busy Schedule

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It’s pretty well-known among K-Pop fans that the life of an idol, especially in the first few years of their career, is incredibly busy. There are countless stories of rookies getting next to no sleep during promotions, attending multiple events in a single day, and overall just having a shockingly hectic schedule.

Even though this is “normal” for most young idols to experience, it still leads to concern for their health and well-being, and the risk of burnout seems quite high. And recently, the upcoming schedule for IVE‘s Wonyoung was shared online, sparking concern among her fans.

6539f1675d38a22081812f76-pWonyoung (IVE)

Between the 14th and 18th this month, Wonyoung will be traveling to various countries to participate in events that require a lot of energy and poise.

image| Pann Nate
  • December 14: Going to the Philippines to MC for the 2023 Asia Artist Awards
  • December 15: Returning to Korea to MC and perform for KBS Song Festival
  • December 16: Attending two fansign events in the suburbs
  • December 18: Going to China

That’s a lot of traveling and activity to take part in over just a few days, and probably not the first time that Wonyoung has had such a busy schedule. Despite this, though, she never appears weary or irritated, and always keeps her composure even if she’s undoubtedly exhausted.

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Even fellow IVE member Liz has spoken about Wonyoung’s work ethic and how she never appears tired no matter how busy she is.

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A member that I want to learn from is Wonyoung. Even with all those solo schedules, she attends our daily dance practices without any complaints. I’ve never seen her being tired before.

— Liz (IVE)

Still, fans can’t help but be concerned for Wonyoung. On an online forum post discussing her schedule, many expressed their amazement at how well she’s able to manage herself, but also share their worries that she could end up getting burnt out eventually.










We just hope that Wonyoung is able to rest and take care of herself despite all that she has going on!


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