Megan Thee Stallion Will No Longer Be Performing With BTS At The AMAs

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Seeing how much fun BTS has been having during their trip to LA for the American Music Awards caused even more excitement for the group to finally perform the “Butter” remix with Megan Thee Stallion. However, the American rapper has released a statement on why it will no longer be happening.

megan thee stallion bts @theestallionMegan Thee Stallion and BTS. | @theestallion/Twitter

In a tweet that’s earned hundreds of thousands of likes, Megan Thee Stallion expressed that “an unexpected personal matter” has left her unable to attend the American Music Awards. Although she and fans were saddened by the news, Megan Thee Stallion gave fans a source of hope.

megan the stallion 2 @theestallion| @theestallion/Twitter

Even though they won’t be performing together for the awards show, Megan Thee Stallion stated, “I really can’t wait to hit the stage with my guys and perform ‘Butter’ real soon!

ARMYs and Megan Thee Stallion’s fans are wishing the rapper well as she handles her personal matter and are looking forward to the future stage between the two artists.

megan thee stallion bts 1 @theestallion| @theestallion/Twitter


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