ENHYPEN Jungwon’s Comments About The Entrance Exam Draw Mixed Reactions

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Recently, ENHYPEN Jungwon‘s comments about the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) during a live broadcast are gaining attention from netizens.

enhypen-jungwon-profile-landscape-scaled-e1603271733312ENHYPEN’s Jungwon | @ENHYPEN/Twitter

The CSAT, also known as the Entrance Exam or Suneung, is an 8-hour, single-day exam that every Korean high school student is obligated to take that determines which university students will be to attend.

9ae9ed4962774d942d4f3a597be2b696Student hugging mother at the end of the exam. | News 1

Due to the extremely competitive nature of the Korean education system and the job market for college graduates, large companies prefer to employ graduates from prestigious universities, thus turning the test into a pivotal “make-or-break” moment for many students’ futures.

671dbd6e059a90978ad149707a84f55aParents give flowers to their children who completed the exam. | Newsis

The enormous stress and pressure of the exam has turned exam day into a national day of consideration: Planes are grounded throughout the duration of the exam to reduce noise, stock markets open late for the day, and public transportation services are increased to allow students to reach their testing sites more easily.

27592b3ce6ca55d3f2c19fdf199b1901A student reunites with parents after finishing the exam. | No Cut News

The high stakes of the exam are what made many netizens question the comments of ENHYPEN’s Jungwon during a live stream that took place immediately after the exam concluded.

The ones who are here watching this VLIVE could be the ones who didn’t do well on the CSATs, right?

— Jungwon

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The confused members had a brief moment of silence.

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Sunghoon explained that the live stream can be a source of comfort for those who might not have done well.

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Some fans who took the exam commented on his insensitivity, explaining their disappointment with the situation.

I’m a senior in high school who took the CSATs today and I was f*cking pissed, LMAO. I started watching the live after I got done with the exams and there he was, saying sh*t like that.

— Netizen

JW| Nate Pann

Others, however, believe the backlash is too severe and despite the fact that his words may not have been perceived well, his intentions were not malicious.

I don’t think he meant to hurt anyone but that doesn’t change the fact that it was a completely unnecessary thing to say … That being said, he’s not bad as some people are trying to make him out to be.

— Netizen

e| @ENHYPEN/Twitter

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