DAY6’s Jae Shuts Down Rumors And Reassures Fans Following Speculation That He Might Leave JYPE

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DAY6‘s Jae recently held a live broadcast via Instagram to reassure MyDays (fans of DAY6).

Jae-2-1024x683DAY6’s Jae | JYP Entertainment

Nearly two weeks ago, Jae held another Instagram Live in which he bared his soul. This caused many to worry that he was possibly leaving JYP Entertainment.

day6-thebookofusnegentropy-1From left: Wonpil, Jae, Young K, Dowoon, and Sungjin of DAY6 | JYP Entertainment

Now, he has addressed some of the rumors that have been circulating since. In his latest Instagram Live, he spoke for approximately two minutes without showing his face to the camera.

I’m totally good. Don’t… I don’t know where this all came from. I’m chillin’. Don’t worry about me. I’m not going to do anything crazy. …S*it happens. It’s fine. It’s just how life goes on.

— Jae

jae-park-day6-sugar-daddy-remarks-backlash-jyp-032521| JYP Entertainment

Fans have also been concerned about what might happen to Jae with all of the online bullying he has faced recently. Jae also suffers from panic attacks and has been an outspoken mental health advocate.

We’re all good. No one’s doing anything crazy. Okay?

— Jae

jae-park-jyp-entertainment-090121| JYP Entertainment

While he has had to take on more responsibilities and work than one should have to in the past, he revealed that he is doing better now. In fact, he feels “bored” as a result.

If anything … I’m a little bored just because these days like there’s not been much. Everything’s been moving so seamlessly because I finally have people who are on top of their game and like on top of all their business, so I don’t have to get involved with everything…

— Jae

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He appreciates MyDays’ concern for him. Yet, he also wants them to rest easy.

I was on Twitter, and I was like seeing all these things with like, ‘Jae’s going to do something crazy … Everyone needs to stop bashing…’  Like, yeah, I’d appreciate it … if everyone would like just chill out a little bit, but it’s not that serious. It’s really not, so you guys don’t have to worry about me like that.

— Jae

Eh7IkIhU8AAPNE5| Represent

He concluded the short talk with fans, saying he still means everything he said in his previous Instagram Live. But he wants fans to know that he is “fine” and that he loves them.

What I said, I said, and I meant what I said. But I, as a personal human being, I am fine. That’s it. Alright, love y’all too.

— Jae


Listen to Jae’s Instagram Live here:

Catch up on all things Jae and DAY6 below:

DAY6’s Jae Bares His Soul During Emotional Instagram Live—Fans Worried He’s Leaving JYPE, Here’s What Happened


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