Netizens Watched “Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha” Only To Find Out ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Isn’t In It

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Netflix and tvN‘s healing K-Drama Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, starring Shin Min Ah and Kim Seon Ho, came to an end this weekend, and it was a favorite of many.

0sh3wh8qgni71Shin Min Ah (left) and Kim Seon Ho (right) in Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha poster.

Still, some did not find it as interesting as others. Netizens revealed that they had started watching the drama but soon lost interest. The reason was not necessarily due to the plot but because of the cast.

Kim-Seon-Ho-Shin-Min-AhKim Seon Ho as Chief Hong Du Sik (left) and Shin Min Ah as Yoon Hye Jin (right) in Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha.

An AROHA (fan of ASTRO) on Twitter shared that they originally began watching Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, thinking Cha Eunwoo was in it.

EWbxLUPU0AAZjUWASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo | Fantagio

They misunderstood the title’s name to be for his stage name. The title of Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha is a fun play on words as “cha-cha-cha” is not just a type of dance but “cha” has multiple meanings in Korean, “car” or “tea.”

If you think the user was joking, it doesn’t seem like it. They followed up their previous tweet, saying they “genuinely believed it was named after” Cha Eunwoo.

Other netizens replied to the original post. It turns out they weren’t the only ones who thought of Cha Eunwoo upon hearing the K-Drama’s title.

We definitely cannot disagree that Cha Eunwoo would have been a great addition to the cast…

We think also that Cha Eunwoo wouldn’t have minded a role in Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha either. In a 2018 interview, he was asked to choose among actresses who he would most like to act with, and Shin Min Ah was one of his top choices!

Before, I mentioned that I want to try acting in a historical-romance drama and a school-romance drama. I really hope I get the chance to film a historical drama with Shin Min Ah and a school drama with Suzy.

I kind of have a lot of greed.

— Cha Eunwoo

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Not only that, but Shin Min Ah is actually his ideal type too! In an unaired clip from SBS’s Real Basketball, Handsome Tigers, Cha Eunwoo told Moon Soo In about his celebrity crush.

My ideal type is Shin Min Ah. I recently watched her drama, Chief of Staff and completely fell in love. I really want to meet her through a drama one day.

– Cha Eun Woo


We certainly can’t blame him! She’s beautiful, and they are both great actors. We would love to see them in a K-Drama together one day.


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