Song Kang Asks Han So Hee If He Should Kiss Her “On The Lips” Despite The Director’s Orders For A Cheek Kiss

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JTBC‘s Nevertheless may have concluded two months ago, but the hype and excitement surrounding this series has continued to remain high. In light of that, an old behind-the-scenes making video of the K-Drama has started to belatedly go viral for something that Song Kang said to Han So Hee off camera.

neverthelessHan So Hee (left) and Song Kang (right) | JTBC

The scene in question featured Song Kang drying Han So Hee’s wet hair with a towel. The two’s remarkable chemistry was noted by netizens upon first glance, as the actor showed off his gentleness for this scene.

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It was during the cut of the next scene that has started to receive viral attention. Song Kang can be heard asking a production team member, “do we kiss now?” To which the team member responded, “yup, just on the cheek.” Around the 4:57 mark, however, Song Kang can be heard faintly saying to Han So Hee “should I kiss you on the lips?” after the director ended the filming due to an error.

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Song Kang: “So Hee-ya
Han So Hee: “Yes?”
Song Kang: “Should I kiss you on the lips?”
Han So Hee: “Yup.”

Naturally, this created an unstoppable wave of chaos, as netizens began to shriek in excitement over what they had witnessed.

youtube| @이지혜/YouTube

So Hee-ya, should I kiss you on the lips? This has to mean they’re dating so why are there no dating news? ㅋㅋ

— @이지혜/YouTube

comment| @LovelyMaeMonares/YouTube

comment| @행복하기/YouTube

South Korea is going to pretend like they don’t know.

— @행복하기/YouTube

comment| @Dddw/YouTube

I’m not suspecting anything regarding the relationship between these two, I just know.

— @Dddw/YouTube

jtbcStill from “Nevertheless”‘s behind-the-scenes video.

We knew their chemistry was amazing on-screen, but it seems like their chemistry was more amazing off-screen — and our hearts cannot take it! You can check out the video of Song Kang and Han So Hee down below.


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