BTS’s Jungkook Is Good At Everything… Including Teleportation?!

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We all know there’s pretty much nothing BTS‘s Jungkook can’t do.

unnamedBTS’s Jungkook performing “Butter” at SiriusXM Hits 1. | BigHit Music

He isn’t called the “Golden Maknae” for no reason after all.


Whether it’s singing or dancing…

Your browser does not support video.Jungkook performing “My Time” at Map of the Soul: ON:E.

Or any sports and games…

Your browser does not support video.Jungkook competing in 2016 Idol Star Athletics Championships.

And, of course, in videography and video editing, he absolutely kills it too!


Being good at so much, one might wonder if he’s superhuman. Well, some new footage supports this theory.

unnamed-2Fan-edit of Jungkook as Marvel’s Spiderman. | @jjingmingssie/Twitter

Jungkook’s fellow BTS member Jimin held a live broadcast for his 26th birthday on October 13. During it, the other “3J” members Jungkook and J-Hope made an appearance to help him celebrate!

20211013_101701From left: Jungkook, J-Hope, and Jimin of BTS. | BTS/VLIVE

On their way out, Jungkook stopped to give one last goodbye to ARMY watching. During this time, an ARMY captured their computer’s monitor, and it appeared that while Jungkook was saying his goodbyes, he vanished into thin air!

This moment has completely mindblown ARMY everywhere. The 4-second clip has gone viral on social media and has been reshared by the fandom a lot.

It wouldn’t even be the first time that one of the BTS members appeared to be gifted in the superpower of teleportation. Previously, it happened with J-Hope during his solo live broadcast earlier this year, and another similar incident occurred with V too.

While we believe Jungkook can do anything (he’s that talented), we’re not certain that he can teleport. When rewatching the live broadcast, you can see that Jungkook did, in fact, walk out of the room. So, the original clip of his apparent disappearing instantly was probably just due to a poor connection resulting in lagging.

Your browser does not support video.| BTS/VLIVE

We can’t deny, though, that it did inspire many great memes and even funnier responses!

Check out more fun moments from Jimin’s birthday live broadcast below:

10 Iconic Moments From BTS Jimin’s Birthday Live Broadcast That You Need To See, Featuring Jungkook And J-Hope


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