6 K-Pop Albums Just Earned Impressive New Certifications From Gaon

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Every month, Gaon announces new certifications for K-Pop albums and songs that have reached certain numbers of sales, downloads, or streams. These are always huge achievements for artists, and are worth congratulating when they’re announced!


For the album category, an album will receive a platinum certification at 250k sales, double platinum at 500k sales, triple platinum at 750k sales, and a million certification at one million sales (as well as double, triple, etc. for multiple-million sales).


On October 7, Gaon awarded new certifications to 6 K-Pop albums!

Two of the albums earned platinum certifications, meaning that they have both surpassed 250,000 sales to date! The first of these albums is Red Velvet‘s long-awaited 2021 comeback, Queendom, which came out on August 16. It has actually made over 315,000 sales now, making it by far their best-selling album!

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The second album that earned a platinum certification for the month of October is ASTRO‘s most recent album, Switch On, which was released on August 2 of this year. It has now made nearly 300,000 total sales!

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Next, two albums have also received double platinum certifications this month, meaning they’ve sold over 500,000 units! The first of these is TXT‘s most recent album, The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape, which was released on August 17 this year. It has sold nearly 650,000 copies now, which is especially impressive for a reissued album like it is!


The second album to earn this certification this month is also by a fourth generation K-Pop group: Thrill-ing by THE BOYZ! It, too, is their most recent album, released on August 9 this year and now at over 615,000 total sales. It’s their best-selling album by far to date!


And finally, two albums have also received the extremely impressive million certification this month! The first of these is Stray Kids‘ most recent album (there definitely seems to be a pattern here!), NOEASY! The album, which came out on August 23 this year, is the group’s first to surpass a million sales, and now has sold about 1.13 million in total.

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And finally, the second album to hit over a million sales and earn this certification this month is NCT DREAM‘s most recent album, Hello Future! Released on June 28 this year, the album has now reached over 1.26 million total sales, which is absolutely phenomenal!

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Congratulations to everyone who earned new certifications!


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