GFRIEND’s SinB, Eunha, And Umji To Re-Debut As 3-Member Girl Group

컨텐츠 정보


GFRIEND‘s SinB, Eunha, and Umji will be re-debuting as a new three member girl group with Big Planet Made.

According to a press release shared by Big Planet Made with Tenasia, Sinb, Eunha, and Umji have all signed with the agency and are planning to re-debut as a trio. The time or the group name for their re-debut has not been announced yet. Big Planet Made released the trio’s first profile photo alongside the announcement.

BF.27682685.1GFRIEND’s SinB, Eunha, Umji | Big Planet Made

On the same day, Umji posted her personal profile photo and announced her new agency, sharing she is excited for the new move.

Hello, this is Umji. I am writing this after thinking about it for a long time to tell you some good news. In the future, Eunha, SinB, and I will be working together as a trio under BPM Entertainment, a new agency. Of course, there were various concerns we had, but now that things have been set in stone and organized, I am looking forward to our new activities. We are ready to be busy and have fun working, and we will do our best. Please look forward to it.

— Umji

Eunha also shared her personal profile photo and asked fans to look forward to their future.

Hello! This is Eunha.

A lot of time has gone by. I’m sorry and also grateful to the fans who waited a long time. Alongside SinB and Umji, I’m making a new start under BPM Entertainment! Thank you all for your constant support and love, and I want to repay you with good songs and good performances. Please watch over us.

— Eunha

Finally, SinB also shared her personal profile photo and shared both her nerves and excitement for the future.

Hello, this is SinB.

After a long period of contemplation, I have decided to mark my new chapter of my life with BPM Entertainment with Eunha and Umji. I’m sure you were all waiting for a long time, so thank you so much for believing in me and waiting. I’m both excited and nervous right now, going to a new agency and starting fresh, but I will try to show you all good music and various activities in the future. Please show us your support and look forward to it!

— SinB

Big Planet Made also recently signed SOYOU.


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