Here Are The Luxurious Chuseok Gifts BLACKPINK’s Rosé Received From The Brands That She Endorses

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BLACKPINK‘s Rosé endorses many big-name brands!

rose blackpinkBLACKPINK’s Rosé  | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

She recently posted several photos of the items she received from Saint Laurent, Tiffany & Co, and O!Oi in celebration of Chuseok or Korean Thanksgiving Day. Check them out below!

1. Saint Laurent

First up, she received champagne from Saint Laurent, the luxury clothing brand of which she was named their global brand ambassador. The drink was none other than Grand Siecle par Laurent-Perrier. It retails for an average price of $163 USD per 750mL bottle.

The gift set also came with 25 pieces of what seems to be Songpyeon, a rice cake delicacy that is popular during the Chuseok holiday.

YSL| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

2. Tiffany & Co.

Tiffany & Co, meanwhile, is the jewelry brand that Rosé endorses. They gave her a cute astrology inspired set with a rocket-like container to hold the goodies.

tiffany2 | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

According to the BLACKPINK main vocalist, opening everything created a “very happy mess.” This included a new collar for her dog, Hank, a shirt or cloth in the same theme as the box, and unidentified jewelry from the brand.

Tiffany | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram


Finally, she also received Chuseok gifts from clothing brand O!Oi. They gave her cute rice cakes in the shape of flowers.

oioi | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Every single detail on the petals could be seen, showing how they made sure to only give her high quality food.

oioi2 | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

The brand wrote their heartfelt thanks to Rosé on the container of the gifts. She, in turn, replied with a simple, “Thank you so much. Have a happy Korean Thankgiving!”

To our muse Rosé,
Thank you for becoming OiOi’s muse.
We hope you have a happy and prosperous Korean Thanksgiving.
With love, O!Oi

— OiOi Collection

OIOICOLLECTION - BP | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Rosé’s lucky to have these brands just like they’re lucky to have her!

rose oioi


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