13 Most Relatable Moments From IU’s Cook-Off That Prove She’s Just Like Us In The Kitchen

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The “Nation’s Sweetheart,” IU, has just celebrated her 13th anniversary as an idol, and as a gift to her fans, she decided to present them with a cooking tutorial. While her instructions on making seaweed soup were supposed to be the gift, it feels like the insight into just how relatable IU is in the kitchen was the actual present.

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Here are 13 of the most relatable moment from her “cook-off” that are sure to make you love her even more:

1. Addressing Expectations

IU understands that she may not be known as a cook, so she adorably called out what some may be thinking when she chose to gift her fans with a cooking video.

But guys, just in case you’re like… Watch dlwlrma [IU] be all… How should I say this… Watch her be all awkward and rambling about. Perhaps you expected me to burn everything I make, spill sugar, or something like that. I apologize, if something like that is what you expected this time. I’m sorry to dissappoint.


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2. Choices, Choices

When cooking, there are many choices one has to face, but somehow the most challenging decision IU faced was between which apron to wear. She took a vote between the pink and beige aprons instead of choosing outright. If only we all had staff to help us make these kinds of decisions.

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3. Storage Is Storage

After deciding against the pink apron, IU had to find a place to put the unnecessary garment. After a brief look around, she determined that on top of the fridge would be good enough for the time being. If you are questioning what you may have left on top of your fridge after reading this, you aren’t alone!

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4. Technology Is Tough

IU was finally ready to start her cooking. She confidently picked up her beef and then approached the oven. After multiple knob twists, the idol appeared flustered as the oven seemed to nothing. Suddenly, the oven made a loud ding to let her know it was ready, which startled IU. Getting used to an oven can be challenging, so we feel her struggle.

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5. Spoons?

A chef’s tools are essential. The wrong tool could throw one off their cooking game. When IU had to pick her spoons, she introduced her fans to her method. Not only did she give the spoons a good stare, but she also gave her front runner a quick sniff before making her choice.

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6. A Birthday To Remember

While stirring the meat, seaweed, and sesame oil, IU revealed that her mother had recently had a birthday, so she had chosen to cook for her. The odd part of this for her was that over her 29 years of life, this was the first time IU had ever cooked for her mom. Many 20 somethings can relate to IU’s late birthday gift.

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7. Cutting Board Crisis

IU then shared a story about the advice her father gave her when cooking. She said he told her to “Always use a heavy knife; that’s how you keep your hand safe.” While this sounds like a helpful tip, IU had a moment of honesty and shared that “every time I use a knife,  I get a cut.”

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8. A Vegetable Vendetta

After cutting up most of her meats and veggies, IU reached one of her favorite vegetables to eat. However, she has no love in her heart for cooking with this vegetable. “It’s the ingredient I dislike the most, carrots,” she said as she held up the “root vegetable” of her problem. Luckily, IU found a big knife to slice up this complex orange monster.

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9. Who Needs Measurements?

IU chose to go with her gut throughout her cooking rather than using a recipe or proper measuring tools. Whenever she had to add water to her dishes, she filled up her bowl and dumped it rather than measured it. If we’re honest, who hasn’t forgone measurement for the “eyeball it” cooking method?

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10. Mess = Success

When stir-frying her vegetables, the staff asked IU if she was this messy at home. “I live alone anyway,” was her immediate response, “If it gets all messy, so what?” She followed up this confidence with the cold, hard truth of living alone. “Whatever, I’m the one to clean it up anyway!”

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11. Even IU burns

IU put on an air of confidence after none of her staff said they wanted to try the food initially. In her stride, she didn’t notice how close her pot and pan had gotten and accidentally burned her arm on the hot dish. Luckily, IU seems to have experience with this as she explained how to deal with it.

Guys, if you happen to get a burn from something like this, then quickly apply some cold, running water so that it cools down. If you apply ice on it, it could make things actually worse, you know?


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12. Honest Opinions

When it finally came time to have her staff taste her hard work, IU gave him one rule before he tried the dish. “Take this seriously, please,” she said, “Don’t just say that it’s good if it isn’t.” True to his word, he gave her advice to boil it down a bit after tasting. IU didn’t expect this entirely and played this off confidently, saying, “I’m not done with it yet.”

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13.  Hard-Earned Success

Not only did IU work hard to complete her meal for her fans, but IU has worked hard her whole career. It is incredible to see where she is today and just how much her work ethic and good humor carry over into all she does. Even after finishing her meal, IU couldn’t help but thank all her loyal UAENAs for all the beautiful years.

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Congratulations to IU on a fantastic 13 years in the industry, and here’s to many more! To see her full tutorial, check out her video below:


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