BLACKPINK’s Rosé Follows A Ritual Before Every Important Event, And Many Asians Can Relate To It

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BLACKPINK‘s Rosé may be one of the biggest K-Pop stars in the world, but she has a ritual before every important event that many Asians can relate to!

blackpink-rose| Theo Wargo

In a “Get Ready For The Met Gala” video with Vogue, Rosé was given a meal to eat as she prepared for the event.

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However, she immediately noticed that something essential was missing—rice!

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Do we have rice?

— Rosé

When the staff informed her that they didn’t have any, she couldn’t believe it. She exclaimed, “We don’t have rice? It came with rice yesterday.

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She then explained that she absolutely needs rice before she does anything important. That day, the very important event she had to attend was, of course, the prestigious Met Gala.

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Before anything important, I always have to have rice.

— Rosé

Rice is a staple food in Asian households, so there are surely many people who can relate to Rosé’s love for it!


Watch Rosé get ready for the Met Gala in the full video below.


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