BTS’s Jimin And Jungkook Are The Most Chaotic Roommates You’ll Never Have

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If you’ve ever had roommates, you’ll probably relate to what Suga put up with while sharing a room with Jimin and Jungkook.

E-LQ4FYVEAA4SSmLeft to right: Suga, Jungkook, and Jimin. | Run BTS!/Weverse

In Episode 149 of Run BTS!, BTS continued building the rooms they had started in the previous episode. Team Suga, Jimin, and Jungkook worked on one room while the rest of their members worked on the other one.

In a new behind-the-scenes video for this episode, we get a taste of what roommate life with Jimin and Jungkook might be like. Roomies often bicker about furniture, and these two were no exception to that rule.

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Jimin and Jungkook had very different opinions about where the sofa should be. In a multi-roommate household, there’s always one person who plays peacemaker. In this case, it was Suga. After listening to the bickering, while minding his own business, Suga decided to meditate.

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Even RM chimed in, hearing their quarrel through a wall.

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Still, it continued…

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Then, when Jungkook tried to move an area rug (without approval!), Jimin stopped him by…sitting on his head…

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..because of course he did!

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Sometimes, you want to bother your roomies just for the sake of bothering them. If you’re looking for ideas, take notes from Jungkook. When Jimin tried to take photos of their room, he disrupted him by photobombing. “Jungkook, get out,” Jimin said, laughing.

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Life with these two would never be boring!

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