BTS Announces Online Concert “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE,” And Here Are 10+ Relatable AF ARMY Reactions

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On September 15 (KST), BTS announced that they would be holding an online concert called “PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE.” In the video, the members revealed that they would be streaming the concert on October 24 for ARMYs worldwide to watch from the comfort of their houses.

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As expected, when the news came out, ARMYs couldn’t be more excited. ARMYs went straight on social media to share their thoughts, and here are 10+ relatable reactions to the news.

1. October is definitely going to be a jam-packed month for ARMYs.

2. Nevermind, October, BTS has filled the last 24 hours with so much content!

3. It’s all fun and games until you realize you’re going to have to spend more money on BTS…

4. Maybe it might be time to get on your parent’s good side to help with investing in a concert ticket.

5. Sometimes, BTS just doesn’t get the credit they deserve from the media for how much they do for ARMYs.

6. It’s time to try and guess the setlist, but how can you not include them all?

7. Yet, all ARMYs know one song has to be sung at the concert!

8. Are Jungkook stans ready for the next part of the epic online concert saga?

9. The same definitely could be said for Suga stans as well.

10. At the end of the day, it is the perfect way to forget about life and just have some fun.


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