Here’s The Song BTS’s Jimin Wants To Eventually Start Their First Offline Concert With, And It Is A Certified Tune

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire world has had to adapt to a change in lifestyle and routine. It is the same with K-Pop as an industry that flourished with concerts, fan meetings, and more, had to make changes and go online suddenly. In particular, this has been the same for BTS!

E6OxXFdUYAM1MFxBTS members | @bts_bighit/ Twitter

Member Jimin recently went live with fans and discussed everything from possible getting braces, fan songs, and even possible spoilers.


During the broadcast, a fan asked Jimin which of the group’s songs they wanted to perform first when it was finally safe to perform in front of fans again at an offline concert. For many fans, this idea seems so far away but is something to look forward to!

Although it seems impossible to just pick one track to start such a huge event, such as the first offline concert after the pandemic, Jimin seemed to have one in mind.

If you choose only one song, first of all, I really want to show you the performance of ‘ON.’

— Jimin

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Jimin then added that, although others might have different choices, this track stuck out to him the most for several reasons.

Of course, everyone has their own personal tastes. But, in my case, ‘ON’ the song and its choreography, I think it’s really cool. It’s our song, but I think it’s cool.

— Jimin

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Although fans would love to see the track up close, it seems as if Jimin would also love the idea of having a chance to see the song being performed from the front row in a concert.

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For many fans, it couldn’t be a better choice. It was a song released just before the pandemic started, and ARMYs have never been able to hear it live in person, as many of the performances quickly went online after the track was released.

Jimin added that, apart from “ON,” there are other songs he wants to play live in front of ARMYs, such as “House of Cards” and “Born Singer.”

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When BTS and ARMY can meet in person again, any song will be the perfect soundtrack for the occasion when it finally comes to the day. Yet, there is no denying that “ON” would be the perfect track in many ways! In the meantime, make sure to watch the video for the track below.


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