TWICE’s Momo Tries Her Hand At Sports And Proves She’s A Great… Dancer

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TWICE‘s Momo is considered to be one of the best dancers in all of K-Pop. From her fluid lines,

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To her intense power and strength, Momo is the definition of athleticism in dance.

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Unfortunately for Momo, on this week’s “TIME TO TWICE” Tddong High School, that dancerly athleticism didn’t carry over to the playing field.

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The girls split into two teams to compete in multiple sports with the blue team comprised of SanaJihyoChaeyoung, and Tzuyu and the red team comprised of Nayeon, Momo, Mina, and Dahyun.

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The first competition consisted of skipping rope. The girls had to jump one long rope as a team at the same time. While the blue team nailed it without any problems, the red team seemed a bit more afraid.

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Momo decided to jump in first because “It’s easier if you go in early, right?” She then proceeded to stare at the rope with great determination as it continued to spin, trying to find the best time to jump in.

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After a bit of time had passed, even Sana and Jihyo on the opposing team couldn’t help but encourage Momo to jump in.

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Once Momo had jumped in, her face changed completely. Gone was TWICE’s calm and cool main dancer who can face down difficult choreographies with no qualms and in her place was a struggling jump roper.

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Momo persisted but her team barely made it past their first three members.

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For their final attempt, Momo chose to jump in first again which she’d quickly come to regret. What really sunk Momo was her bizarre jump roping technique in which she crossed her legs to jump.

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This method quickly wore her out with her exclaiming “Too slow!”

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She was so tired that the editors of the video couldn’t help but draw the comparison between Momo and a zombie.

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While the jump rope fight ended up closer than expected, Momo’s red team lost to blue team with 34 to 39 jumps being the final score.

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Momo was, however, offered a chance at athletic redemption when the girls played a soccer shootout later on. The members were concerned with Sana saying that “Momo’s probably really strong, too!”

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Momo lined herself for the shot and kicked with all her might. Tzuyu as goalie was quaking.

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Unfortunately for Momo, Tzuyu easily caught her kick.

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Momo may not be the best at sports but her enthusiasm throughout the day showed off her excellent sportsmanship. Momo proved herself to be an incredible… dancer. What are your thoughts on TWICE’s competition? Let us know and to see more from this episode read the article below:

TWICE Can’t Hide Their Love For Tzuyu…Even When They’re Competing Against Her


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