Former SM Entertainment Trainee, Lami, Could Be Debuting In Starship Entertainment’s New Girl Group

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It was previously rumored that Starship Entertainment was preparing a new girl group. The members that were said to be included would naturally be Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yujin, both from IZ*ONE fame.

Former LipBubble member and Show Me The Money contestant, Yoo Dayeon was also rumored to be a trainee at the company after the official Starship Entertainment TikTok account posted her cover of “Zero Attitude”, a song and dance that featured Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yujin.


Netizens had also sleuthed out that she had filmed the “Zero Attitude” cover in Starship Entertainment’s practice room.

Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 4.12.05 PM| @honeyedoasis/Reddit

Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 4.12.09 PM| @honeyedoasis/Reddit

As for the other members, it came across netizens’ minds that former SM Entertainment high profile trainee, Lami, could be debuting with them as well. Not only was a rumor that Kakao Corp, which Starship Entertainment is a subsidiary of, had swept up all the ex-SM Rookies girls, Lami’s personal Instagram was given a follow by Yoo Dayeon as well. Lami had also cleared her following and posts suddenly, leaving up a select 3 posts.


Many have been looking forward to Lami’s debut ever since she had left SM Entertainment. Should she debut with Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yujin, the visual power of the group would be amazing! Stay tuned for more news.


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