Sports Chosun Reveals Exclusive Photos Of Crush And Red Velvet’s Joy On An Adorable Dog-Walking Date

컨텐츠 정보


Korean media outlet, Sports Chosun has obtained exclusive shots of K-Pop’s newest couple, Red Velvet‘s Joy, and soloist Crush. Previously, it was reported that the couple has been dating and often go on dates that involve their dogs.


It was reported that the two grew feelings for each other through common interests such as rearing their dogs. Sports Chosun reported that they met in an apartment complex in Yongsan, Seoul, wearing comfortable clothes. They brought their pets, Haetnim and Soymilk. It was said that the two chatted comfortably while walking their pets and had sweet gazes towards each other.

The dating news was previously confirmed by their agencies, P NATION, and SM Entertainment.

Crush and Joy started as close friends in the industry, but recently started to meet each other with good feelings.

— SM Entertainment


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