“Penthouse” Actor Park Eun Seok Apologizes Regarding Racist Portrayal Of New Character

컨텐츠 정보


Previously, SBS K-Drama Penthouse garnered attention due to the new character played by actor Park Eun Seok. Both the visual representation and accent used by the character were considered highly offensive and a form of cultural appropriation.

Most recently, actor Park took to his personal TikTok page to post an apology regarding the matter.

@_____silverstone_____Please take time to read.♬ everything sucks – vaultboy

Regarding the drama Penthouse character Alex, I’d like to let everyone know that none of the appearances that were driven by the character was falsely internal to harm, mock, disrespect or discourage the African-American community. I’d like to apologize to the people who took offense by the character’s appearance. It was more admiration of the culture than mockery but now I’m aware that the approach was more CA. It was wrong attempt for character development.

— Park Eun Seok

He hoped that viewers would give him the benefit of the doubt that this was purely admiration and not intentional mockery.

Again I’d like to apologize to those who took offense, I as a minority myself should’ve known better. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow in awareness. I hope you have the sincerity in your hearts to give the benefit of the doubt, that Alex’s appearance was rather a character approach who admired the culture and wanted to ‘be’ like, not intentionally portraying mockery.

— Park Eun Seok


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