APRIL Naeun’s Older Sister Shares The Idol’s Heartbreaking Diary Entries From 2016, Against The Ongoing Bullying Allegations

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Against the ongoing bullying allegation, between former member Lee Hyun Joo and APRIL, member Naeun‘s older sister has taken to her personal Instagram account in an effort to defend Naeun from the criticism. She claimed that Naeun couldn’t have been a bully, because she was struggling with herself.

1599396400702APRIL’s Naeun (left) and her sister Lee Ji Eun (right) | @authorlee_/Instagram

With a series of pictures capturing Naeun’s diary entries, the older sister shared Naeun “to be the vulnerable type who worries a lot” — adding that she has consequently been “extremely concerned throughout the whole controversy, worried that Naeun might make dangerous decisions.”

Hello, I’m APRIL Naeun’s older sister. I’ve been extremely concerned throughout this whole controversy, that Naeun might make dangerous decisions, because the Naeun I’ve known my entire life is a soft, vulnerable type who worries a lot. Recently, she gathered up the courage to share a personal statement for the first time via the fan cafe, to communicate with her fans who are thinking about her. This whole time, she believed that the truth will unveil itself because all the rumors are so blatantly false. But with time, she only became more harshly criticized.

— Naeun’s Sister

The sister insisted that the truth is yet to be revealed, including how difficult it has been for Naeun and the family to deal with “all the lies going around about [them].”


Naeun called me, crying, begging for me to come over because she was terrified of being alone. While I was rushing over to her, I was nervous that she might do something and I wouldn’t get to her on time. When I found her, she was trembling in fear. But I couldn’t do much else for her except staying with her and comforting her. I felt so useless and heartbroken that I couldn’t be of any help.

I had no idea that it would be this difficult to reveal the truth. From what I heard, the agency has not been able to get in touch with [Lee Hyunjoo] since the initial allegation. And the agency sent an agreement to terminate the contract with her, but she isn’t responding. Yet she told the world that the agency is stopping her from working. She claimed that my parents threatened her. My parents don’t even know her phone number. Only because my parents appeared on TV with her, my family has been hit with all the lies going around about us.

— Naeun’s Sister

Asking for “proof” that there had been threats, Naeun’s sister begged for her sister and her family to be left alone.

If you really received threats from my family, please show clear proof that you did. Your lies are literally slashing my family with scars that we’ll have to live with for the rest of our lives. You must have text messages from my parents if they actually threatened you, right? Please share them.

— Naeun’s Sistr

Then, regarding the diary entries attached, the sister stated, “Naeun was not in the position to bully anyone because she, too, was in a lot of pain at the time.”

I’m attaching pictures of Naeun’s diary entries from the same time period [as when the alleged bullying took place]. She struggled a lot back then. She still doesn’t like to talk about her memories from then. She was not in the position to bully anyone because she, too, was in a lot of pain at the time.

— Naeun’s Sister

The diary entries shared by the sister suggested Naeun’s struggles back in 2016, between the months of early March to mid-June.

2Translated by Koreaboo | @authorlee_/Instagram

5Translated by Koreaboo | @authorlee_/Instagram

4Translated by Koreaboo | @authorlee_/Instagram

3Translated by Koreaboo | @authorlee_/Instagram

1Translated by Koreaboo | @authorlee_/Instagram

And upon revealing Naeun’s heartbreakingly dark thoughts from the past, her sister pled for the accusations to stop.

Naeun is nothing but a kindhearted girl. Please stop accusing her and judging her. I beg you all.

— Naeun’s Sister


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