Korean Woman Suffers A Miscarriage Because Of A “Plastic Smoothie”

컨텐츠 정보



Recently, a Korean woman reported to have lost her child after consuming a smoothie full of plastic.

The alleged incident occurred on October 3, and Ms. A posted about it online, claiming that she was served a drink with pieces of plastic mixed in it. As a result of consuming the drink, she suffered intestinal bleeding and miscarried her child.

Screenshot (2805)Ms. A’s community post | SBS News

Ms. A was in the early stages of her pregnancy when she ordered a few beverages through delivery services for herself, her husband, and her child from a franchise cafe. It turns out the drinks had pieces of plastic in them. In fact, Ms. A claimed that almost half of the smoothies were just blended plastic.

download - 2023-10-18T190350.188The picture of the smoothie shared by Ms. A | Chosun Ilbo

Ms. A had to be rushed to the emergency room after drinking the beverage, and during her treatment process, she suffered a miscarriage. In her statement, she mentioned that the store owner visited her in the ER and tried to salvage the situation while making bizarre claims, such as that plastic can be well digested and that there was no way she could have swallowed plastic like that.

The owner is said to have contacted her after the incident through texts. Ms. A revealed that they sent her messages saying they couldn’t sleep at night but had to open shop the next day. When “A” replied, asking how they could even do business the next day, the owner apparently responded that they had to make a living.

Apart from her tragic miscarriage, Ms. A and her husband are reportedly suffering other health issues from the drinks, including neck and abdominal pain. According to the couple’s doctor, their gums, throats, esophagus, and other organs seem to have been scraped by the plastic they swallowed.

download - 2023-10-18T190400.184The bits of plastic allegedly found inside the smoothie | Chosun Ilbo

After the incident became a public controversy, the owner initially denied it, saying plastic cannot be swallowed so easily. But they have now reportedly changed their stance. The franchise headquarters reportedly notified the store in question about contract termination and legal action following this incident. The owner is trying to reach a mediation with both the victims and the franchise.

Meanwhile, Ms. A reported the incident to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and notified the local government. The authorities are yet to respond on this matter.


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