The 20 Most Disliked K-Pop Music Videos Of 2021 So Far

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The other day, we looked at the 21 most-liked K-Pop music videos of the year so far, based on the like to dislike ratio rather than just the total number of likes. Unfortunately, there are many K-Pop songs that have been released this year that haven’t been so well-received, whether for legitimate reasons or just people being pointlessly hateful. Here are the 20 most disliked K-Pop MVs of 2021 so far, based on the like to dislike ratio.

20. “DO or NOT” by PENTAGON

With 333.5k likes and 10.7k dislikes, this music video currently has a 96.89% like to dislike ratio.

19. “Love%” by Demian ft. Dawn

With 81.1k likes and 3.4k dislikes, this music video currently has a 96.02% like to dislike ratio.

18. “Someday” by Kim Feel

With 543 likes and 24 dislikes, this music video currently has a 95.77% like to dislike ratio.

17. “Ponzona” by PURPLE KISS

With 260.1k likes and 11.5k dislikes, this music video currently has a 95.76% like to dislike ratio.

16. “Tail” by Sunmi

With 662.6k likes and 32.0k dislikes, this music video currently has a 95.40% like to dislike ratio.

15. “Cinema” by CIX

With 179.0k likes and 8.7k dislikes, this music video currently has a 95.37% like to dislike ratio.

14. “Forever” by aespa

With 1.20 million likes and 62.4k dislikes, this music video currently has a 95.04% like to dislike ratio.

13. “Scared” by P1Harmony

With 123.6k likes and 6.5k dislikes, this music video currently has a 95.01% like to dislike ratio.

12. “Clicker” by J.Don

With 38.0k likes and 2.1k dislikes, this music video currently has a 94.85% like to dislike ratio.

11. “Myosotis” by MC Mong

With 1.5k likes and 82 dislikes, this music video currently has a 94.76% like to dislike ratio.

10. “Asurabalbalta” by T1419

With 211.9k likes and 12.3k dislikes, this music video currently has a 94.53% like to dislike ratio.


With 141.2k likes and 9.4k dislikes, this music video currently has a 93.77% like to dislike ratio.

8. “Exit” by T1419

With 53.2k likes and 3.6k dislikes, this music video currently has a 93.65% like to dislike ratio.

7. “All In” by DKB

With 65.5k likes and 5.0k dislikes, this music video currently has a 92.94% like to dislike ratio.

6. “All or Nothing” by WEi

With 112.3k likes and 9.9k dislikes, this music video currently has a 91.88% like to dislike ratio.

5. “Sugar” by Kim Wooseok

With 170.2k likes and 17.0k dislikes, this music video currently has a 90.93% like to dislike ratio.

4. “There Can’t Be A Good Breakup” by MC Mong

With 3.0k likes and 334 dislikes, this music video currently has a 89.91% like to dislike ratio.

3. “Doom Doom Ta” by TRI.BE

With 187.9k likes and 27.7k dislikes, this music video currently has a 87.16% like to dislike ratio.

2. “Corny Love Song” by Yoyomi

With 34.3k likes and 5.2k dislikes, this music video currently has a 86.84% like to dislike ratio.

1. “Blind” by MC Mong

With 4.5k likes and 1.6k dislikes, this music video currently has a 74.26% like to dislike ratio.


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