Jungkook Shares His Thoughts On BTS’s Past Styling And Outfits

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In a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Jungkook shared his thoughts on BTS‘s past outfits and how their styling process has changed.


From streetwear to high fashion, BTS has experimented with a variety of looks over the past eight years. They launched their careers with hip-hop-inspired jerseys and chains for their debut album, 2 Cool 4 Skool. 

687474703a2f2f646174612e77686963646e2e636f6d2f696d616765732f36343333393336372f6f726967696e616c2e6a7067BTS in 2013.

Jungkook’s early concept photos are drastically different than his concept photos for BTS’s upcoming single “Butter.” For “No More Dream,” BTS’s debut song, Jungkook wore dark clothes with even darker eyeliner.


For “Butter,” he wore a chic suit in one photo and glam rocker leather in another. His purple hair brought a splash of color to the vintage sets, and both looks are complimented with soft makeup.



“When we first debuted, we had kind of fierce makeup, with our eyeliner and stuff, and dark outfits, fierce-looking outfits,” Jungkook told Rolling Stone. “At that time, our company was relatively small and we couldn’t put a lot of budget into the outfits.”


Nowadays, BTS has a higher budget for styling and they hold meetings to decide on their aesthetic. To Jungkook, the visual aspect is just as important as the music and choreography.

But now we devote a lot of time and we hold a lot of meetings to choose the outfits and the style that would go well with the songs and the album. So I think the visual aspect is really important. The song, the dance — every individual aspect is really important.

— Jungkook

Read more from his interview here:

BTS’s Jungkook Reflects On The Ordinary Life He Missed Out On And Pandemic Life


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