TWICE’s Mina Recounts Her Most Traumatizing Encounter With A Cockroach

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Like many of us, TWICE‘s Mina is can’t stand cockroaches! The very sight of it scares her and makes her freeze in place.

mina20allure20shoot| Allure

In a recent video, Mina was asked to pick between moths and cockroaches. “Every time you take five breaths, you get either moths or cockroaches.”

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Without any hesitation, she picked moths.

Moths because I can catch them using cups or whatever once they land. But cockroaches…They fly and move incredibly fast. I can do something about moths.

— Mina

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She then shared her most traumatizing encounter with a cockroach, which occurred when she was by herself in TWICE’s dorm.

We once had a cockroach in our dorm. It was so silent. It just stayed there. It stayed there and made eye contact.

— Mina

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The moment they locked eyes, Mina couldn’t move. In her words, “Time just stalled.

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She hated cockroaches so much, in fact, that she didn’t learn how to write the Korean word for it in fear of seeing its pictures online.

I had only ever uttered the word ‘cockroach’ in Korean and had never written it. I couldn’t even search for it because I was afraid photos would come up.

— Mina

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As a result, she was unfamiliar with the correct spelling and misspelled it when she texted her manager.

So I texted our manager about it and I wrote it wrong. I wrote ‘kockroch.’ You get me, right? I didn’t even want to search it.

— Mina

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Ending the story, she shared that her clearest memory from that time was being unable to do anything. “It was so shocking, and I couldn’t do anything.

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Hear more stories from Mina in the full video below!


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