10+ Times The “Run BTS!” Editors Were Ready To Risk It All For Jungkook

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From his handsomeness to his athletic abilities, the Run BTS! editors just can’t stop falling for Jungkook‘s charms. Here are 10+ of the many times they were ready to risk it all for him!


1. When they got wet and wild

The editors added a flirty song to this close-up of Jungkook slicking back his wet hair. Which song, you ask? “I’m Your Man” by Leonard Cohen. The lyrics, which trail off in the clip, are, “If you want a lover, I’ll do anything you ask me to.” Well, then…

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2. That time they exposed us all

When Jungkook worked up a sweat at tennis practice, the editors said what ARMYs everywhere were thinking.

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(Dear Editors, stay out of our heads, please!)

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3. This confession

They couldn’t keep it to themselves!


4. This medical warning

He’s a hazard to our health, but he’s worth it!

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5. Every time they called him BTS’s “baby”

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6. Wait, whose baby is he really?

The editors’, apparently.

9BTS | Run BTS!/V Live

7. The Jungkook Effect

Can anyone resist his charms?

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8. This iron-clad reasoning

Why did the editors replay this moment? Because it’s awesome. Period.

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9. When they gushed about his puffy cheeks

Jungkook’s wisdom tooth surgery made his cheeks swell, but according to the editors, that just made him more adorable!

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10. When they compared him to candy

What kind of eyes?

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11. When they couldn’t get enough of “Detective Jungkook”

This scene of Jungkook dancing at BTS’s police station was replayed not once, not twice, but three times…

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…and it still wasn’t enough!

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12. Another confession

Who can relate?

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For more, check out the many times the editors fell for V:

20 Times The “Run BTS!” Editors Were Ready To Risk It All For V


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