Here’s How Much It Costs To Look Like BLACKPINK’s Rosé In Her “On The Ground” Stage Outfits

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BLACKPINK‘s Rosé stunned everyone with her numerous outfits for her solo debut. Fans can unanimously agree that she looked drop dead gorgeous on “On The Ground” dresses, skirts, and crop tops.

Check out what brands she’s using and how much they cost below!

1. Pink

rose pink| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

First up, Rosé’s first solo stage was on SBS‘s Inkigayo. Like the fashionista that she is, her dress was a cute modified version of Alex Perry‘s “Elena Silk-twill Gown.” It retails for around $2,242 USD.

alex perry| Alex Perry

Fans may recognize it as the dress that she had on during the burning limousine scene in the music video.

rose sets| BLACKPINK/YouTube

Either way, she looked stunning!

rose pink2| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

2. Denim

rose denim| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Rosé wore an all-denim outfit in another Inkigayo stages. Her top was Vivienne Westood‘s “Spencer Jacket Indigo” that retails for $705 USD and her bottom was the “Anglomania Asymmetric Denim Mini Skirt” from the same brand, this time costing $193 USD.

vw| Vivienne Westood

vw skirt| Vivienne Westood

To complete her look, she wore Tiffany & Co‘s “HardWear Wrap Necklace” that is sold for as much as an eye-watering $17,000 USD!

tiffany hardwear| Tiffany & Co

There’s no doubt that Rosé’s swimming in luxury!

rose2| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

3. All Green

rose music core| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

One of her sweetest stage costumes was her all green attire. She used head-to-toe O!OiCollection clothing including the “Tweed Bustier” that costs $70 USD.

bustier| Momo Korea

The highlights of her attire were the “Puff Tweed Half Jacket” that can be bought from $159 USD and the “Tweed Short Pants” that retails for $79 USD.

green| O!OiCollection

4. Practice

rose practice| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Finally, Rosé was as attractive as ever in a more comfy version of “On The Ground” during the “Dance Practice Performance” video. She wore LEHHO‘s “Carla Silk Bra Top” that can be bought for $250 USD.

carla wool| LEHHO

Her shoes were none other than Adidas‘ “Rivalry Low Shoes.” It’s much more affordable at $80 USD.

adidas rivalry rose| Adidas

To finish off her look, she had on Tiffany & Co’s gold “Ball Pendant” that’s much more expensive than her actual top, retailing for as much as $3,500 USD.

tiffany| Tiffany & Co

She killed it in this style!

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No matter what she wears, Rosé’s a total fashion icon!

Here’s How Much 4 Of BLACKPINK Rosé’s Cutest Looks Cost


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