Apink Chorong’s Agency Releases Official Statement And States They Will Release Audio Recording If Needed

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Apink Chorong’s agency, Play M Entertainment, has released another official statement, revealing that they would be releasing the audio recording of the phone call with Netizen A.

Netizen A recently released the phone call recording to media outlets as evidence to prove that the reported bullying accusations were true.

After seeing the news released online, Chorong’s agency dropped another official statement.

We are here to inform you our position regarding the recently reported phone call transcript. Netizen A has only provided a part of the transcript and has maliciously distorted it.

During the first call, Netizen A made a threatening call and talked about private life and things that were not related to the matter, which brought concern in regards to their unexpected behavior. Chorong first listened and apologized while not asking about the details. They used to be friends and it was true that they did have conflict in the past so she apologized for that but did not admit to the violence. Netizen A requested that they meet and they even tried to arrange a date.

According to the content that Chorong has been threatened with for over a month, Netizen A is telling stories that have nothing to do with the nature of the matter such as revealing past photos and only providing a partial transcript.

We also have the first and second transcripts. We will also submit all transcripts as evidence to the police. We tried to reveal the truth according to legal procedures, but because Netizen A’s malicious reports are continuing to be revealed, we will refrain from unnecessary stories as much as possible, but will disclose the transcripts if necessary.


Previously, Chorong filed a lawsuit against Netizen A for spreading false rumors about her. Most recently, Netizen A held an interview with a media outlet, claiming that they had been physically assaulted by Chorong and her friends. Chorong’s agency then denied all accusations with an official statement release. Chorong was then swept up in underage drinking accusations after a photo was released by Netizen A, in which she admitted to in her personal message on Instagram. Netizen A also recently provided a phone call transcript to media outlets as evidence.


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