BTS’s Jimin Expresses Just How Much He Loves Being Together With The Members

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BTS’s Jimin has always emphasized how much he enjoys being together as a group.

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Let’s take a look at some instances of how much the group means to him!


I think being together is very difficult, but it feels empty if they aren’t there. Strangely enough, they are the ones that I think of when I am happy, sad, or need comfort.

— Jimin, Run BTS Ep. 56

He knows that being together is the key to happiness!


When I think of happiness, I think of the word ‘together’. I love to do things together rather than doing it alone. I think doing something with the members or having fun with our fans with the members is when I am the most happy. I think it’s great when there is something that we can do together. I think the feeling of happiness can be doubled if you have fun doing something together.

— Jimin, KB Bank Keyword Interview

Even in his live broadcasts, he never forgets about talking about the members.


I don’t know why, but I love being with the members. I always want to be with them. I love being together. I like being all together rather than being alone.

— Jimin, VLIVE

In the 2018 FESTA, he reveals that they were able to make it this far because they were together.


The place we want to go is far away and the path we are taking is also really far, and I couldn’t have done it alone. But I think it will be ok if we are going together.

— Jimin, 2018 Festa

In the 2019 Japanese Fan Club interview, he expresses that BTS is what made him who he is today.


To me, BTS is what has made me who I am today. If BTS is what has given me new life, BTS is also what changed my life. You could say that BTS it is my everything. I want to say thank you to BTS for bringing me to where I am now.

— Jimin, 2019 Japanese Fan Club Interview

He truly is BTS’s number one fan.


I really like BTS. Although I am a member of the group, my family is here and our loving fans are here. I think continuing to perform on stage is my most beautiful moment in life. I want to continue this journey with everyone.

— Jimin, 2016 화양연화 ON STAGE : EPILOGUE 中

When asked, “Who is the biggest light in your life?”, there was no hesitation in his answer.


It would be the members next to me and our ARMY in front of us.

— Jimin, 2018 BTS WORLD TOUR : ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ Program Book Interview

He even keeps the ticket stub from the amusement park they all went to during their trainee days.

vlive| VLIVE

The best moments of being a trainee was being able to eat and have fun with the members. We went to the amusement park once and I still carry that ticket with me in my wallet. I think it’s because it was a place we all went to together so it remains in my memory. It’s been about 4-5 years and I still carry it around.

— Jimin, VLIVE

Netizens that saw this wished only happiness for Jimin!

  • “I wish only happiness for you Jimin. Bangtan forever!”
  • “I will always love you Jimin! I love the stage that Jimin loves too. I will stay by your side until the end. You are my first and last idol. I really really love you Park Jimin.”
  • “Although he is good at what he does, his personality is also so lovable. He is so caring towards the people he loves.”
  • “Jimin is such a great person and he has so much charisma.”


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