BTS’s Jin Proves Himself To Be The Mastermind Of “Run BTS!” In Latest Episode

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In episode 135 of Run BTS!, BTS‘s “Workshop Special” series continued with its third and last installment.

Last round, Jin absolutely aced the competition as he revealed himself to be the real “dance king” of BTS when he accurately guessed the songs and their choreography based on staff members’ dance moves. Jin continued to prove himself to be the not-so-hidden ace of Run BTS! in the latest episode.

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In their final assignment, the members played a game of hide-and-seek with a unique spin. The members each picked a card first that would assign them an item to hide. After the members were given their K-Pop and Korean tradition-themed items to hide, they had to protect them. A member would get points if they succeeded in discovering an item and correctly guessing its owner. They would also get even more points, however, if they succeeded in protecting their own item.

When Jin first drew his card and was informed of his item, he thought he had been struck with bad luck! He was tasked with having to hide the unusually large item, BTS’s 2021 Season’s Greetings. Where could someone possibly hide such a thing as that?

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While it might seem like an impossible job for some, Jin proved himself to be a mastermind when he had a brilliant idea to hide BTS’s 2021 Season’s Greetings in an unlikely place. He ran to an elevator and didn’t just hide it in there… he hid it in an area that no one would ever look for anything. The ceiling!

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With the assistance of the cameraman, he succeeded in his mission! We all want Jin to win, even the crew.

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Some members did think to inspect the elevator to see if perhaps something may be hidden there. They may have had the right idea, but they could not discover the exact location of the hidden item. No matter where they looked in the elevator, they failed to look up.

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While members walked in and out of the elevator with no luck, Jin witnessed their failed efforts. All he could do was laugh to himself.

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At the end, when Jin finally revealed the hiding place, the rest of BTS were shocked! As he unearthed the 2021 Season’s Greetings, the members stared in disbelief. They confessed that they never would have imagined anything to be hidden in the ceiling of the elevator. RM commented, “This is legendary,” and we definitely agree!

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This is a moment that will go down in Run BTS! history. Jin is definitely not someone to underestimate.

You can watch a clip from the episode below:


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