BTS’s J-Hope Shocks Everyone With His Insane Muscle Memory On “You Quiz On The Block”

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During their appearance on You Quiz On The Block, BTS had to dance to their own music while Suga and the hosts had to guess which member was the “mafia.”

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The mafia member, or imposter, was actually listening to a trot song and had to do their best to blend in with the others.

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Initially picking V and Jimin has his prime suspects, Suga was shocked to learn who the true mafia was.

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It was none other than dance leader J-Hope!

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They missed the important cue: His shocked expression and nonstop laughter at the beginning.

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Other than that initial laughter, J-Hope proved just how strong his muscle memory is when it comes to choreography. He was able to flawlessly blend in.

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Only J-Hope could perform the correct moves while listening to a trot song through his headphones — and not miss a beat!


Check out the full moment below!


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