Jung Joon Young’s Ex-Girlfriend Finally Reveals Why She Dropped Her Illegal Filming Charges In 2016

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Jung Joon Young‘s ex-girlfriend, who pressed charges against Jung Joon Young in 2016 for illegal filming before ultimately dropping them, spoke up about the real reason why she did what she did in a recent YouTube video.


Back in 2016, Jung Joon Young was forward to prosecution after Ms. A charged him for illegally filming a portion of her body, but she later dropped the charges.


And 5 years later, Ms. A took to her own channel to explain her stance for the very first time.

I want to take this opportunity to clarify what happened due to the misunderstandings that exist 5 years after the incident.

— Ms. A

She explained that her charges were not accidental and that she only dropped them due to the advice of her counsel.

The biggest reason why I dropped the charges was because after consulting my lawyer, we came to the conclusion that due to the lack of evidence, I could very well find myself charged for false accusations.

— Ms. A


Furthermore, she also took her own circumstances into consideration.

I was also about to graduate from college. I thought it was dangerous to put myself at risk of a record with a famous celebrity before entering society.

— Ms. A

For that reason, Ms. A received an apology as well as a promise from Jung Joon Young to prevent a relapse of the incident by securing evidence that he filmed her without her permission.


But upon finding out that Jung Joon Young committed the same crime on many other women following the massive scandal in 2019, she regretted her decision.

If I’d known that he was so evil that he would commit those acts on so many women, I never would’ve cooperated. I was pained with regret about the fact that I failed to keep fighting and changed my stance.

— Ms. A

She concluded with words of support for the other victims.

It’s okay if you didn’t deal with it completely as a victim. And it’s not your fault that the criminal that stepped on your life is being punished. Please have hope that you’ll one day find happiness again like I did.

— Ms. A

Jung Joon Young is currently serving 5 years in prison for committing mob violence against women with fellow members of an online chatroom in 2016.


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