NCT’s Jungwoo Disgusts The Entire Internet With A Single Photo Of His Meal

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NCT‘s Jungwoo just went viral for a reason no one expected!

IMG_5991NCT’s Jungwoo | SM Entertainment

K-Pop idols often share their meals, whether it is for product placement or just to share their personal tastes. For example, BTS Jungkook‘s recipe for ramen went viral, and fans loved watching the idol eat.

At the same time, some foods made popular by idols have not always been well-received, like the infamous Inkigayo sandwiches or GOT7 Yugyeom‘s opposite of well-done bacon.

IMG_5989SEVENTEEN holding Inkigayo sandwiches.

Super Junior‘s Donghae also gained attention for his unique meal a few months ago.

Super Junior’s Donghae Disgusts The Entire Internet With A Single Photo Of His Breakfast

Recently, NCT’s Jungwoo shared a meal that puzzled and disgusted many.

Jungwoo is known for eating on stage…

…as well as off, with fans loving how cute the idol is when he is enjoying a meal.

Choreographer and artistic director Rino Nakasone once even used Jungwoo’s love of food to help him nail some of the stage choreography during NCT 127’s The Link+ concerts!

So when Jungwoo recently shared a photo of his meal, it was not unusual behavior. However, once fans got a closer look, there were many reactions to it.

Jungwoo’s meal was a “pizza” with one half appearing to be cheese, pineapple, and corn. The other half included toppings not usually seen on pizza — portions of corn on the cob, shrimp, and potato chips with ridges.

IMG_5988| @sugaringcandy/instagram

The image was reposted on X (formerly Twitter), where it racked up millions of views as people from all corners of the internet tried to make sense of the meal.

Many pizza restaurants in Korea offer interesting combinations not found in most places, so this is just a viral case of culture shock!

Check out Jungwoo’s recent OST below.



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